MOYU - A6 Hardcover ringbinder 24 pages

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MOYU - A6 Hardcover ringbinder 24 pages

This handy A6 notebook has 4 pages and a multifunctional layout: 1x to-do list, 19x lined, 2x blank,
2x dotted and has the ring binder at the top

The cover is 700g.

- Ring binder Notebook A6, incl. MOYU pen, pen holder and cloth
- Cover of 700 gsm satin MC paper
- Black metal ring binder design

A MOYU notebook is made of stone paper. But this stone paper is even more special than you might have seen or tried before. This is because this stone paper is very sturdy. The notebook comes with a Pilot Frixon pen and a cloth. You write in the notebook with this pen. And with a damp cloth you wipe away the text you have written in 1x. Wiping it off is not easy when you go over it with your hand, so the text stays put. But as soon as you go over it with a wet cloth, your page is completely empty again. And hence the sturdy paper. This allows you to use and clean a page up to 500 times!
Consumer price € 19.95

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